713-652-4068 | info@jonesgill.com

Jones Gill Porter and Crawford LLP ‘s attorneys routinely assist clients in drafting and negotiating a multitude of commercial, title, and operational agreements.  These transactional documents are integral to the oil and gas industry, and can and often involve unique issues, lengthy terms, and extremely high values. Jones Gill Porter and Crawford LLP ‘s attorneys have the breadth of experience, industry knowledge, and skill necessary to effectively and efficiently structure, draft and negotiate these agreements.

Our attorneys have substantial experience  in the upstream and midstream sectors of the energy industry, as well as in the oilfield services sectors.

Jones Gill Porter and Crawford LLP regularly assists clients in:

  • Creating and updating standard-form contracts, such as JOA’s, oil and gas leases, farmout agreements, assignments, surface use agreements, etc.
  • Negotiating with adverse parties regarding proposed changes to standard forms
  • Reviewing a multitude of agreements, ranging from a short single-purpose agreement to complex, multi-faceted complex commercial agreements.

Upstream Contracts

      • Oil and gas leases
      • Joint venture, joint exploration, joint development, and participation agreements
      • Joint operating agreements
      • Farmout and farmin agreements
      • Area of mutual interest agreements
      • Overriding royalties, net profits interests, and production payments
      • Pooling and unitization agreements
      • Surface use agreements
      • confidentiality and non-circumvention agreements
      • Gas balancing agreements
      • Tax partnership agreements
      • Water supply agreements and wastewater treatment and disposal agreements
      • Platform sharing agreements

Midstream Contracts

      • Purchase, exchange, buy-sell, and marketing agreements for crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids (NGLs)
      • Gathering agreements for crude oil and natural gas
      • Processing and treating agreements for natural gas
      • Stabilization agreements for condensate
      • Transportation agreements for crude oil, NGLs, and other liquids (by pipeline, truck, rail, or barge)
      • Pipeline transportation agreements for natural gas
      • Underground storage agreements for natural gas
      • Terminaling agreements for crude oil, NGLs, and other liquids
      • Fractionation agreements for NGLs
      • Easement agreements
      • Engineering, procurement, and construction agreements
      • Joint ownership agreements
      • Operating and maintenance agreements
      • Pipeline interconnection and operational balancing agreements

Oilfield Service and Manufacturing Contracts

      • Master service agreements
      • Drilling and other well service agreements
      • Seismic agreements
      • Manufacturing and fabrication agreements
      • Distribution and warehousing agreements
      • Equipment rental agreements